negligance & Malpractice defense Lawyers in Carmel, IN
Representing Clients in Indianapolis and Throughout Central Indiana
Our law firm regularly defends professionals against claims of negligence or wrongdoing in the provision of their services. Beyond vigorously defending our clients in litigation, our attorneys strive to ensure the safeguarding of their interests and reputations which can be compromised when facing a negligence claim, even one that is without merit.
The firm’s professional liability area includes a robust medical malpractice defense practice, where we represent physicians, nurses, medical practitioners, executives, other providers, their practice groups, and health systems in claims of medical negligence. Medical malpractice defense typically begins with our attorneys working in collaboration with our client to review medical records, patient history, and other relevant documentation in order to assess the validity of the claims, including whether the alleged act of malpractice caused the injury and damages being alleged. We may consult with outside medical experts to evaluate the standard of care applicable to the specific matter and determine whether the alleged actions or omissions constitute a breach of that standard as prescribed under Indiana law. Whether or not our client is a qualified provider under the auspices of the Indiana Medical Malpractice Act, formulating an aggressive and winning defense invariably involves presenting medical evidence that refutes the claimant’s contentions, demonstrating factually, that the healthcare provider acted in accordance with accepted medical practices. The legal defenses are built from the factual foundation.
When handling complex medical malpractice cases, our attorneys gain a comprehensive understanding of medical practices and procedures at issue. We often work closely with insurance companies, healthcare institutions, and individual practitioners to develop comprehensive defense strategies that address both the legal and medical aspects of the case. The goal is to provide a vigorous and effective defense that protects the interests of the healthcare professional and, when appropriate, to negotiate fair resolutions that mitigate the potential impact on their professional standing and reputation.
The firm’s attorneys regularly advise behavioral and at-home healthcare professionals and their organizations across the State of Indiana in the area of risk mitigation and liability defense, including in cases of negligent care or alleged abuse. We have worked diligently with our clients to successfully resolve matters over the many years we have practiced in this area, including those matters that involved sensitive facts and challenging allegations where a favorable resolution initially seemed unlikely.
Please contact us at (888) 211-3888 to speak directly with a Carmel & Indianapolis, IN attorney about your case.