A Free Seminar for Parents
The laws which apply to disabled students in public schools can be complex and confusing, but many parents cannot afford to consult an attorney for advice. Please join us for a free, informal discussion of the rights of students with special needs under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Indiana’s Article 7.
Topics include:
- Evaluations
- IEPs
- 504 Plans
- School discipline
- Bullying
- Private schools
- Complaints, mediation and Due Process hearings
- Remedies
- Hiring an advocate or lawyer
Presented by:
You may email your questions: Mari Mause, parent advocate: mari.mause@gmail.com.
Tuesday, October 3, 2017 from 6-7 p.m. (Sorry—no childcare provided)
St Louis Catholic School Cafeteria
17 East St. Louis Place
Batesville IN 47006